Category Archives: Behind the Scenes

“TERMINATOR 6” set construction is underway at the same studio used for “Blade Runner 2049”, Origo Studios!

The sixth film in the Terminator franchise has landed a filming home in Budapest, Hungary! That’s right, Terminator 6 will be doing most of it’s filming in Origo Film Group Studios, the same facility used to film 2017’s “Blade Runner 2049” and “Atomic Blonde“! In fact, they have already begun the construction of sets for T6!

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More details on how the Guardian “Pops” Terminator raised a young Sarah Connor.

How would a Terminator raise a little girl? It’s an intriguing question, and something that would have been truly fantastic to see explored in the latest entry of our favorite film franchise, “Terminator Genisys”. While the T-800 Guardian “Pops” parental methods were hardly touched upon in the film itself, an older draft of the movie’s script has given us a little more insight on how the Terminator managed to raise a young Sarah Connor.

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BUILDING A TERMINATOR: How Legacy Effects created a 1984 Arnold for “Terminator Genisys”!

When the co-owner of Legacy Effects and a disciple of Stan Winston, John Rosengrant first broke down the story elements of “Terminator Genisys” in the aspect of pratical effect needs, there was a section that caught his eye. It was when the Guardian Terminator and Sarah Connor were lugging around a young, deactivated Arnold T-800 Terminator in a back of an armored car in 1984.  Logic dictated to Rosengrant that the creation of this Terminator corpse would best be accomplished with practical effects, so John and his team took upon the task of building a prosthetic dummy of an 1984 Arnold Schwarzenegger. So how did Legacy effects accomplish such a seemingly insurmountable task?

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The reasons why changes were made to the T-800 Endoskeleton in “TERMINATOR GENISYS”.

When “Terminator Genisys” was released in theaters across the world in the summer of 2015, many Terminator fans with a keen eye for detail noticed slight changes to the T-800 Endoskeleton’s design in comparison to the previous James Cameron Terminator films.  The key question that was raised time and time again is why were those changes made?  What was the reason behind it?  Well conceptual 3D artist, Vitaly Bulgarov has that answer.

Continue reading The reasons why changes were made to the T-800 Endoskeleton in “TERMINATOR GENISYS”.

With the development of computer technology, Arnold Schwarzenegger can play the Terminator forever.

“Pain is temporary. Film is forever.”  This infamous quote, repeated by director John Milius to actor Arnold Schwarzenegger (and the rest of the cast) on the set of 1982’s Conan the Barbarian was used to illustrate a point: Whatever painful and labororius physical obstacles the actors would have to endure in life to make a movie (and the medical toll it would take on their bodies for years to come), it was worth it, because the pain in life will not last.. but film will live on forever.  But as computer technology used in film to recreate human beings has advanced rapidly throughout the years, it appears actors may now live on forever too… and the Terminator franchise will benefit from that greatly.

Continue reading With the development of computer technology, Arnold Schwarzenegger can play the Terminator forever.

Behind The Scenes with “THE TERMINATOR” Volume One!

Did you happen to miss some or all of our BEHIND THE SCENES pictures of THE TERMINATOR posted on our Facebook or Twitter page?  Well don’t fret, we’ve collected all of these production and preproduction photographs of the 1984 science fiction classic into a single gallery volume that you can view here!  So come with us if you want to.. go behind the scenes with “The Terminator”! 

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