Category Archives: Contest

Tell us your favorite T2 Quote and win a “TERMINATOR 2” Trading Card Box from Unstoppable Cards!

Hasta la vista, baby.”  “How’s the knee?”  “Say, that’s a nice bike.”  The blockbuster sci-fi sequel Terminator 2: Judgment Day has so many quotable lines.  Now, if you tell us what your favorite line is from T2 on one of our social media pages, you can win a Terminator 2 2017 Trading Card Box from Unstoppable Cards!

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You and 20 friends can win a private screening of “TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY 3D”!

This contest is just too cool not to mention! Eligible for Australia Terminator fans only (sorry rest of the world), has just announced that they are giving Terminator fans a chance to have your very own private screening of Terminator 2: Judgment Day 3D! And it gets better! This private screening of T2 in 3D will not only be held in a real cinema in your capital city, but you can take 20 friends or family members along with you too!

Continue reading You and 20 friends can win a private screening of “TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY 3D”!

TERMINATOR CONTEST: Win Prizes for joining our INSTAGRAM Army!

After exploding on Facebook and later expanding on to Twitter, our ever-growing army of Terminator fans have been extremely supportive and interactive on our social media pages (and we couldn’t thank them enough!)  Now SKYNET’S ARMY: Terminator Fans United is expanding our reach again, this time among the Instagram community, and we would like to celebrate it with a prize package!

Continue reading TERMINATOR CONTEST: Win Prizes for joining our INSTAGRAM Army!