Category Archives: Jim Gianopulos 

WATCH the entire “TERMINATOR 6” 45 Minute Announcement with James Cameron & Tim Miller!

On Tuesday, September 19th at the Paramount Theatre in Los Angeles, California, Terminator history was made! This is when the creator of the Terminator franchise, James Cameron, marked his return to the universe we know and love by officially announcing his involvement with Terminator 6. While we covered all of the stunning details within our news reports, only approximately 200 people were able to actually witness the filmmakers speak about this new  upcoming Terminator film.  The rest of the Terminator fans had to resort to only reading about it….  until now!

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Arnold will play a TERMINATOR in T6, the very same T-800 from T2!

Last night at the Paramount Theatre in Los Angeles, California, the creator of the Terminator franchise James Cameron sat on stage with his friend and “Deadpool” director Tim Miller to discuss their future plans for an untitled new Terminator film we like to call Terminator 6. While the majority of the bullet points were covered within the Hollywood news feed… Linda Hamilton returns, Tim Miller directs,  James Cameron produces (all reported HERE)… there was a bombshell involving Arnold Schwarzenegger that was all but ignored by the media. Luckily for Terminator fans however, one of our Army was actually in sitting in attendance and here is his report:

Continue reading Arnold will play a TERMINATOR in T6, the very same T-800 from T2!

Skydance takes “TERMINATOR 6” to Paramount!

First it was “Hasta La Vista” Paramount Pictures.  Now, it’s “I’m back!”  After a long running partnership between Skydance and Paramount Pictures was seemingly coming to a close this year (freeing up Skydance to shop movie projects to any studio in the world), Skydance decided to sign a new deal with… you guessed it.. Paramount Pictures! And they are bringing James Cameron’s new Terminator trilogy with them.

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