New “TERMINATOR GENISYS” 4K and DVD releases hits Home Video shelves!

Being the second highest grossing film in this entire legendary franchise, it is no surprise that 2015’s international hit “Terminator Genisys” would see some new home video releases as time progressed. And wouldn’t you know it, two years removed from its theatrical release, new versions of the fifth film of our favorite science-fiction film franchise has emerged on home video retail shelves across the world. So let’s take a look at these new releases, shall we?

There is a new discounted DVD available for sale this month in the United States, featuring a unique vintage looking cardboard slipcover that really caught our eye.

Unfortunately, other than the new artistic slipcase, nothing else new comes included in this DVD re-release.

The most exciting among these new home video re-releases of “Terminator Genisys” has to be the 4K Ultra HK discs.

A release limited to countries like France, Spain and Japan, some of the 4K Ultra HD discs have been reported to be region free which technically means it’s compatible with players in any country.

Featuring an excellent 4K presentation, this transfer comes highly recommended and reportedly noticeably improves the film’s image quality, especially the black levels compared to the standard Blu-ray release.  But just like the DVD before it, these 4K releases will not contain any additional special features. The only difference is the uptick in the quality these 4K discs provide.

We continue to hear rumors of a new special edition of “Terminator Genisys” being planned, that will contain all new special features including a much desired deleted scene featurette. But until that release becomes a reality, these versions will have to do.

We’ll be back.

3 thoughts on “New “TERMINATOR GENISYS” 4K and DVD releases hits Home Video shelves!”

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